Return to Castle Wolfenstein Demo released


Jetzt gibts mal wieder so richtig auf die Muetze! Den Server stellen wir sobald die Linux Version draussen ist.

Brief list of what the TEST does and does not contain:

  • Contains one multiplayer teamplay map
  • Does not contain single player or bots (you will need a connection to the Internet to play)
  • Please check the readme.html file that is included with the game for a description of how to play, what is included, known issues, and other important information.
  • Does not contain cheats (e.g. noclip, modified fov, giveall, etc.)
  • Mods, game modifications, hacks, alterations, etc. are expressly prohibited with this TEST (please see the EULA.doc file included in the download for complete details)
  • Redistribution of this Multiplayer TEST is not permitted by any means other than electronically via the Internet. Redistribution via any physical medium is expressly prohibited (please see the EULA.doc file included in the download for complete details).
  • This is a TEST. You may experience compatibility or performance issues. Please send all feedback and bugs to

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